We are excited to offer both on-campus and virtual college visit options during the school year. Please review our Scoir calendar to request a college visit appointment. Note that all on-campus visitors are required to show identification to our front office staff upon arrival.

College Readiness
We recognize how stressful the college search, application, and decision process can be! At Mount St. Mary Academy, we work individually with each student to create their college list, prepare applications, and answer any questions they may have. Our goal is to help our girls find the college that is the right academic, social, and financial fit for them.
In addition to the academic preparation they receive in the classroom, we prepare our students for college by offering an annual college trip, hosting an annual financial aid night, offering a summer college application workshop, providing application help during the school day, inviting college admission representatives to give presentations, creating college preparation workshop opportunities, and hosting an annual college fair with more than 100 colleges in attendance.
ATTN: College Representatives